Week Forty with Vianne

Posted by Amy Evelyn Oden , Thursday, February 14, 2013 1:59 PM

It's half way through February & I've just posted about New Year's.  The next few posts will be hurried attempts to get caught up on a weird mishmash of scant snapshots I took of our Cutie Doll (as Daddy likes to call her) from the month of January - in which this Mama was suffering from post-Oregon self-pitying and V's Daddy was entrenched in pushing through to the finish line on the dissertation.  That is to say that January was a bit of a blur...and yet...I'm going to attempt to remember what happened using photographic clues...

The first week back from Oregon, Vianne's fortieth week of life, there was mostly a lot of playing with new toys from Christmas.  I would like to say that there was clean up of Christmas items around the house, but since it is mid-February, as I mentioned, and there are still unboxed strings of tree lights littering our dining area (:::sigh:::), that comment will have to appear in another post.  And we've got our fingers crossed that it will be before March.

Her blocks from Molly & her Very Hungry Caterpillar from the Blairs
Her walker toy from Mama & Daddy and Olivia from Grandma Gustafson
Her owl from the Storeys
Winnie the Pooh pop-up train from Granma & Grandpa Oden

The trilingual drum kit from Uncle Geoff & Aunt Vera
I regret that I don't remember what's going on in these photos.  But whatever it was, it was cute :-).

This was the moment we realized that the TV tray rack would no longer work as part of our makeshift living room baby barrier to prevent her from escaping.  Clever girl!

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