Introducing Oliver Patrick Oden

Posted by Amy Evelyn Oden , Wednesday, August 13, 2014 10:34 AM

In keeping with what seems to be our tradition, we had another early baby - and an induction due to last minute weirdness in what was an otherwise healthy pregnancy.  So today, on what is a week after my August 6th due date, we've already been enjoying little Oliver Patrick for almost two weeks!

On Wednesday, July 30th, Vianne's Grandpa came to pick her up for their weekly bike ride, and I settled onto the couch to rest & work on projects before my 1:00pm weekly check-up with Dr. Han.  As I sat there, I started to feel very dizzy and nauseous, even while just sitting, and I felt nervous about driving so I asked Patrick to take me to my appointment.  Turns out, my blood pressure was high (and I'd gained 6 lbs since the previous week - yikes! - but likely all water retention).  So Dr. Han said that she had to send me to check in at the hospital because of the dangers related to hypertension with pregnancy.

So Grandpa got his Vianne Time extended and we headed over to Kaiser Hospital in Baldwin Park, bringing our hospital bags, just in case.

After a couple hours of being monitored, my blood pressure was down to normal...

...and we thought we were going home, when the doctor came in and said, "I'm keeping you here for sure!"  Quick change of plans!  Increased liver levels meant I had to stay and I should be induced.  When they start throwing around words like "stroke" and "seizures", you don't argue...

We were settled into our delivery room by about 5:30pm and the induction preparations began.  I was having contractions, they said, about 10 minutes apart, but I wasn't feeling anything.  Finally, about 2:00am, when I'd gone from 1cm to 3cm dilated, there started to be some pain but it seemed too early to me to get an epidural (clearly, I was lacking sleep at this point) so I opted for a narcotic medication.  Holy cow!  That was C-R-A-Z-Y.  I was saying all this crazy stuff, but part of me was aware that I was saying it, and I was drifting in and out of sleep and it felt like some kind of trippy fun house mirror world that I was trapped in.  Really bad idea - should've just gone with the epidural.

About 8:00am, I was still at 3cm, but started to have painful contractions so asked for the epidural.  While waiting, I had to endure about a half hour of awful pain (which I handle very poorly) so I'm very thankful for Patrick's hand to squeeze the heck out of.  But then, the glorious epidural!  The miraculous, wonderful epidural!

I then settled in for a few more hours while Baby made his way down, feeling almost nothing all the while.  And thus, feeling good enough even to let Patrick take silly pictures of me...

The doctor (finally) came in to check me again about 3pm and - just when we thought we might get our August baby after all - Baby was about to come out!  So the nurse quickly got things ready, the doctor came back, and after only about five pushes (hooray!), Oliver Patrick Oden made his big entrance into the world, Thursday, July 31st, at 4:19pm, weighing 6 lbs, 13 oz, and measuring 19 1/4 in.!  He came out crying; his Mama briefly panicked about his head shape, then cried with joy; his Daddy cut the cord and watched him get checked out...

 First snuggles


One funny thing that happened during the induction/delivery was that when we arrived in the labor room, we noticed that the clock was not working, stuck on 4:20 and 5 seconds.  This was a minor annoyance to us and almost everyone who came and went, as time-centered humans are so apt to glance habitually at the clock, especially since having an induction largely means watching the time pass, and it inspired many jokes & comments throughout our time there.  Patrick joked that it might be the time that Oliver was to be born.  So we were quite amused when he was, in fact, born at 4:19pm :-D.
First bath
 All cleaned up!
We started nursing soon after this and I was thrilled to see him latch right on and begin eating with no trouble at all!
 Waiting on the gurney to be transferred to our post-partum room, Mama tried to capture the cuteness.
We were settled into our new room by about 7pm, and shortly after, Patrick's parents (who'd been graciously watching Vianne all this time) arrived with Vianne.  We were so excited to see her reaction to meeting her baby brother at last, and she did not disappoint!  She was completely taken with him from the first moment.

Oliver with Granma
...and with Grandpa
Oliver actually let us sleep more than anticipated the first night!  We had great nurses taking care of us and were really impressed with them. We spent all day Friday at the hospital, too.

 Oliver was circumcised on Friday morning yet came back sleeping peacefully. 

Very dark hair (and eyes) on his arrival - not like his blonde/light-blue-eyed sister!
I was absolutely smitten with our little guy! 

 Son of Oden, born on Thor'sDay :-D


We had another visit from Vianne with her grandparents around noon and an evening visit from Aunt Pat, Uncle Lynn, and Sarah.

Instead of cigars, we passed out "celebratory chocolates" for the arrival of our "little sailor".
Although we had great care from Kaiser, we were very eager to leave as soon as they'd let us on Saturday morning.  His first real clothes for the trip home.  He was thrilled, you can tell.
Captain Adorable!
So thankful to be heading home, with a clean bill of health for both of us!

1 Response to "Introducing Oliver Patrick Oden"

Anonymous Says:

I love it! #adorable!

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