Amy Is 39
Posted by Amy Evelyn Oden , Friday, October 14, 2016 9:14 AM
Well, I've always intended to march bravely towards 40 with the best of them, but I have to confess I did get a little bit nervous about the approach of the big three-nine this year. I'm not entirely sure why, only a few small hints, but in any case, I took a few deep breaths and tried just to inhale all the goodness and not get too freaked out by the daunting.
I made the annual rounds to get my birthday freebies the day raspberry mocha frappucino from Starbucks...
...and free cupcake from our local Raley's. Vianne really wanted to take a picture of me with it in the store...this girl's all ready for social media...

The morning of, I took a few more deep breaths, put on my cute new dress from my mom, took a selfie (hate that word and generally the concept, but alas) to mark the occasion because it felt needed.
...and then my three loves & I headed eastward to spend the day at Apple Hill, a conglomeration of fruit farms that seems to be The Fall Place-To-Go for Sacramento families in the know. First stop, Abel's Apple Acres...not the most active this time of year, but still cute...
Next stop, and my favorite of the day, Apple Ridge. I wish I could post the smell of the bakery on this blog. Heavenly!
After a short look around, we caved to the aroma and headed for the bakery. I told the guy at the counter, "Three of everything!" and I was only half-kidding. In the end we went with half a dozen cider donuts, a crumb cake, a blackberry blossom, and a cinnamon roll.
Vianne did a little gold mining
We went for a little nature hike...gorgeous day & much-needed bit of fresh air! Vianne chose Lower (Not-So-Easy) and I like to think we burned off some of our desserts that way...
"Lions and tigers and bears...oh my!"
Oliver decided he needed to be carried once we hit the steep incline and for the rest of the walk... I earned my tri-tip sandwich for lunch. It was SO good, too!
Our next stop was Rainbow Orchards, which has the Hay Bale Hop, pictured here...
Oliver needed a little hopping help
Miss V wore pigtails for me. She never lets me put them in, but obliged for my birthday. Added bonus for her was that she looked like Harley Quinn and found that she quite enjoyed this, so has been wearing them almost every day since.
Our last stop was inadvertent - we were trying to find the Fudge Factory and didn't realize it was in the midst of High Hill Ranch. Vianne was delighted to find there were pony rides! (Oliver was content to watch but shook his head vigorously at the prospect of joining her.) She got the pretty white one named Luna.
Oliver liked this pony ride, though...
By this point, the morning sugar was turning into some pretty severe meltdowns so we headed home, for presents & pictures & pizza & pie...
Vianne picked out this sunflower card just for me because she knows how much I've enjoyed the fields of them this year.
At this point, the four-year-old meltdown kicked up several opening became more stressful than become sparse...and I apparently redid my hairdo...(sigh)
In the end, we split my Raley's cupcake four ways and saved the pie for the next day, when sugar was a little bit more our friend. Apple Berry Pie from Pie House with Tillamook Vanilla Bean ice cream - my mouth waters at the memory even now!
A very full day & lots of great gifts & fun memories! I think I can do 39 after all.
First off...happy belated 39th! Your dress is adorable and looks great on you! You are making my impending birthday doom a little more bearable with this beautiful post :)