Santa Barbara Mission

Posted by Amy Evelyn Oden , Tuesday, February 8, 2022 1:17 PM

Vianne is in 4th grade, and that means California History time!  As an Oregonian who studied the Oregon Trail and Lewis & Clark during that year, I'm learning vicariously through my daughter.  She is working on a report/presentation on the Santa Barbara Mission, and so (also being Patrick's favorite city) we decided to go visit in person.  We spent the afternoon at the pier & the beach, drove by the mission to see it at night, and then got up the next morning for the 9am church service at the mission (we couldn't believe the kids' patience in sitting through the whole thing!) and then did the full tour of the mission & grounds.  Then we visited the Natural History Museum & stopped by the pier again before heading home.  Now we're all fans of Santa Barbara & are already dreaming of our next visit.

Vianne recreates a moment from her younger years, about age two, when she last visited this beach...

Oliver got a head start on note taking for his report in two years :-)