We found a new happy place: San Diego. A mere two hour drive from Lake Arrowhead, I think we will be frequenting this beautiful city, Lord willing, in the years to come. We planned a short getaway for Vianne's 9th--she requested a trip to the world-famous San Diego Zoo for her big day--and since it coincided with the kids' spring break, we made a three-day adventure out of it.
The first afternoon (Vianne's last day of eight), we hung out at Seaport Village, took advantage of the tiny (reservations only for COVID) yet perfect hotel pool, got dinner at Chick-Fil-A, and enjoyed the sunset from Fiesta Island in Mission Bay.
There was a lone sea lion down there in the water that they're looking at, but a little hard to see in the photo!
Such a beautiful place! We were enchanted!
Vianne's Birthday/Zoo Day! For COVID, we had to buy tickets in advance with a selected date, wear masks all day, and wait in a line six feet apart. We got there about 40 min before opening, which made us second in line and among the first into the zoo! Not gonna lie, it was really great to have a restricted entry because the crowds were much less than we'd normally anticipate during spring break, and we quite often even found ourselves completely alone in an area of the park!
We got such a kick out of this gorilla, posed like The Thinker, clearly situated to observe those observing him/her.

And then the other one, hiding back behind the wall. He seemed to be on a break from entertaining!

The lion was definitely a highlight! We caught him in the morning while he was out pacing and then even got to hear him do some mighty roaring.
Got to hear this guy do some roaring, too!

We were brave and navigated the tram thingy like pros (no small feat for those of us with height issues). Oliver declared it his favorite experience of the day!
See? Wide open spaces!
Oliver's favorite animal of the day was the koala!
Harriet's baby Eleanor :-)
Attempting to recreate a photo from our last trip here...our 3rd anniversary,
when Vianne was in my belly!
Of course, one of the day's top goals was to see the cheetahs (Vianne's favorite animal)!
Sweet little 'baby' Maggie - the two year old cheetah had her own pen.
The other pen held two (sleepy) adult cheetahs.
We also caught the tiger pacing!

Oliver was greatly enjoying the sweet baby orangutan cuddling up with one of the females. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the embarrassing when the female rolled her way over to the male...and, well, as Oliver said, "They were being un-appropriate." (Oh dear 😂)
Finally back at the hotel...